Kubernetes - v1.23.6

Changelog since v1.23.5

Changes by Kind

API Change

  • Omits alpha-level enums from the static openapi file captured in api/openapi-spec (#109179, @liggitt) [SIG Apps and Auth]


  • Kubernetes is now built with Golang 1.17.9 (#109462, @cpanato) [SIG Cloud Provider, Instrumentation, Release and Testing]

Bug or Regression

  • Bug: client-go clientset was not defaulting the user agent, using the default golang agent for all the requests. (#108791, @aojea) [SIG API Machinery and Instrumentation]
  • E2e tests wait for kube-root-ca.crt to be populated in namespaces for use with projected service account tokens, reducing delays starting those test pods and errors in the logs. (#108860, @eddiezane) [SIG Testing]
  • Failure to start a container cannot accidentally result in the pod being considered "Succeeded" in the presence of deletion. (#108882, @rphillips) [SIG Node]
  • Fix indexer bug that resulted in incorrect index updates if number of index values for a given object was changing during update (#109137, @wojtek-t) [SIG API Machinery]
  • Fix the overestimated cost of delegated API requests in kube-apiserver API priority&fairness (#109216, @wojtek-t) [SIG API Machinery]
  • Fixed a regression that could incorrectly reject pods with OutOfCpu errors if they were rapidly scheduled after other pods were reported as complete in the API. The Kubelet now waits to report the phase of a pod as terminal in the API until all running containers are guaranteed to have stopped and no new containers can be started. Short-lived pods may take slightly longer (~1s) to report Succeeded or Failed after this change. (#108723, @bobbypage) [SIG Apps, Node and Testing]



Nothing has changed.


Nothing has changed.


Nothing has changed.


April 20, 2022, 7:17 p.m.
Kubernetes v1.23.6
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