Kubernetes - v1.23.2

Changelog since v1.23.1

Changes by Kind


  • Kube-apiserver: when merging lists, Server Side Apply now prefers the order of the submitted request instead of the existing persisted object (#107567, @jiahuif) [SIG API Machinery, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Storage and Testing]

Bug or Regression

  • An inefficient lock in EndpointSlice controller metrics cache has been reworked. Network programming latency may be significantly reduced in certain scenarios, especially in clusters with a large number of Services. (#107167, @robscott) [SIG Apps and Network]
  • Client-go: fix that paged list calls with ResourceVersionMatch set would fail once paging kicked in. (#107334, @fasaxc) [SIG API Machinery]
  • Fix a panic when using invalid output format in kubectl create secret command (#107347, @rikatz) [SIG CLI]
  • Fix: azuredisk parameter lowercase translation issue (#107429, @andyzhangx) [SIG Cloud Provider and Storage]
  • Fixed a bug that a pod's .status.nominatedNodeName is not cleared properly, and thus over-occupied system resources. (#107109, @Huang-Wei) [SIG Scheduling and Testing]
  • Fixes a rare race condition handling requests that timeout (#107458, @liggitt) [SIG API Machinery]
  • Mount-utils: Detect potential stale file handle (#106988, @andyzhangx) [SIG Storage]
  • The feature gate was mentioned as csiMigrationRBD where it should have been CSIMigrationRBD to be in parity with other migration plugins. This release correct the same and keep it as CSIMigrationRBD.

users who have configured this feature gate as csiMigrationRBD has to reconfigure the same to CSIMigrationRBD from this release. (#107554, @humblec) [SIG Storage]

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • Updates konnectivity-network-proxy to v0.0.27. This includes a memory leak fix for the network proxy (#107037, @jdnurme) [SIG API Machinery, Auth and Cloud Provider]



Nothing has changed.


  • sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client: v0.0.25 → v0.0.27
  • sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4: v4.1.2 → v4.2.1


Nothing has changed.


Jan. 19, 2022, 9:11 p.m.
Kubernetes v1.23.2
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