Kubernetes - v1.23.11


Changelog since v1.23.10

Important Security Information

This release contains changes that address the following vulnerabilities:

CVE-2022-3172: Aggregated API server can cause clients to be redirected (SSRF)

A security issue was discovered in kube-apiserver that could allow an attacker controlled aggregated API server to redirect client traffic to any URL. This could lead to the client performing unexpected actions as well as leaking the client's credentials to third parties.

There is no mitigation from this issue. Cluster admins should take care to secure aggregated API servers and should not grant access to mutate APIServices to untrusted parties.

Affected Versions:
- kube-apiserver v1.25.0
- kube-apiserver v1.24.0 - v1.24.4
- kube-apiserver v1.23.0 - v1.23.10
- kube-apiserver v1.22.0 - v1.22.14
- kube-apiserver <= v1.21.?

Fixed Versions:
- kube-apiserver v1.25.1
- kube-apiserver v1.24.5
- kube-apiserver v1.23.11
- kube-apiserver v1.22.14

This vulnerability was reported by Nicolas Joly & Weinong Wang from Microsoft

CVSS Rating: Medium (5.1) CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:H/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:L

Changes by Kind

Bug or Regression

  • Fix an ephemeral port exhaustion bug caused by improper connection management that occurred when a large number of objects were handled by kubectl while exec auth was in use. (#112338, @enj) [SIG API Machinery and Auth]
  • Fix problem in updating VolumeAttached in node status (#112303, @xing-yang) [SIG Apps]
  • Kube-apiserver: redirect responses are no longer returned from backends by default. Set --aggregator-reject-forwarding-redirect=false to continue forwarding redirect responses. (#112358, @enj) [SIG API Machinery]
  • UserName check for 'ContainerAdministrator' is now case-insensitive if runAsNonRoot is set to true on Windows. (#112212, @PushkarJ) [SIG Node, Testing and Windows]



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Nothing has changed.


Sept. 15, 2022, 12:31 a.m.
Kubernetes v1.23.11
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