Cypress - v9.7.0

Released 5/23/2022


  • The Electron version and shipped Chromium browser version has been updated.
    Addressed in #21418.


  • The Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce() and Cypress.Cookies.defaults() Cypress
    APIs have been deprecated. In a future release, support for
    Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce() and Cypress.Cookies.defaults() will be
    removed. Consider using the experimental
    cy.session() command instead to cache and restore
    cookies and other sessions details between tests. Fixed


  • Updated the cy.contains() command to correctly
    error and retry if the provided regex pattern begins with an equal sign and a
    match was not initially found. Previously the command would incorrectly fail
    with a syntax error. Fixed
  • Corrected the cy.session() command log grouping and validation verbiage.
    This change provides better insights to logs associated with the command.
    Fixed #21377.
  • Removed eventemitter2 third-party type definitions from cy and Cypress
    that were unintentionally exposed. Fixed

Dependency Updates:

  • Upgraded the bundled node version shipped with Cypress from 16.5.0 to
    16.13.2. Addressed in
  • Upgraded the Chromium browser version used during cypress run and when
    selecting Electron browser in cypress open from 94.0.4606.81 to
    100.0.4896.75. Addressed in
  • Upgraded electron dependency from 15.5.1 to 18.0.4. Addressed in


May 23, 2022, 9:51 p.m.
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