Cypress - v9.3.0

Released 1/18/2022


  • Added a new Cypress command, called
    .selectFile(), to select a file or files in an
    HTML5 input element or simulate dragging a file or files into the browser. The
    API is similar to cypress-file-upload and we have provided a
    migration guide
    for previous users of that plugin. For more details, see
    our blog post.
    Fixes #19524 and
  • Exposed the Buffer polyfill, as Cypress.Buffer,
    to enable working with binary data. Addressed in
  • Added the CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_PATH_TEMPLATE environment variable which can be
    set to a string template for building the download URL for the Cypress binary.
    This environment variable is useful for users who are downloading the Cypress
    binary from a proxy that is not one-to-one with the Cypress's default download
    url. More information can be found in the
    Install Binary
    documentation. Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the --spec CLI parameter was not working properly when
    passing multiple glob patterns that are separated by commas. Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with how the CYPRESS_VERIFY_TIMEOUT environment variable was
    read so it can set in a project's package.json or it's .npmrc. Fixes

Dependency Updates:

  • Upgraded graceful-fs from 4.2.0 to 4.2.9. This upgrade resolves issues
    observed with using graceful-fs v4.2.0 with resolve v1.21+. Addressed in
    #19676 and resolves
  • NOTE: This upgrade to graceful-fs breaks Cypress's compatibility with
    Yarn 2. We have observed errors with Yarn 2.4.2 with graceful-fs 4.2.9.
    Before this change, Cypress had minimal Yarn 2 support (see
    #6377). Between Yarn 3
    fixing multiple bugs and the migration path from Yarn 2 to Yarn 3 being
    minimal, we felt the best step forward was to support and recommend Yarn 3
    over Yarn 2.
  • Upgraded electron from 15.2.0 to 15.3.4. Addressed in


Jan. 18, 2022, 11:39 p.m.
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