Cypress - v9.4.0

Released 1/31/2022


  • Enhancements were made to .selectFile() after receiving feedback after its
    initial release in 9.3.0.
  • The default behavior was updated to automatically infer the mime type of
    files based on their extension to correctly encode file uploads. Addressed
    in #19751.
  • Added the mimeType property so you can explicitly set the mime type on
    files using the mimeType property. Addressed in
  • Updated file contents types to allow either a
    instance or a Cypress.Buffer instance, where previously file contents were
    expected to only be an instance of Cypress.Buffer. Addressed in
  • Updated .selectFile() to retain the fileName of files read from disk to
    work with aliases. Addressed in


  • Fixed a regression in 9.3.0 to correctly
    parse the --spec CLI parameter for glob patterns containing a range. Fixes
  • Fixed regression in 9.2.1 where the
    --openssl-legacy-provider flag was not being passed to the plugins' child
    process when the user's system Node version was Node 17+ built with OpenSSL
    v3+ which resulted in Cypress crashing when trying to run tests. Fixes
  • Update cy.type('{enter}') to align with the W3C standards where a click
    event should be dispatched when the Enter key is pressed and the current focus
    is on astate-changing element with type button, image, submit or
    reset. Fixes #19541.


Jan. 31, 2022, 7:57 p.m.
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