Consul k8s - v0.47.0

0.47.0 (August 12, 2022)

* Transparent Proxy Egress
* Add support for Destinations on the Service Defaults CRD. [GH-1352]
* CLI:
* Add consul-k8s proxy list command for displaying Pods running Envoy managed by Consul. [GH-1271]
* Add consul-k8s proxy read podname command for displaying Envoy configuration for a given Pod. [GH-1271]
* [Experimental] Cluster Peering:
* Add support for ACLs and TLS. [GH-1343] [GH-1366]
* Add support for Load Balancers or external addresses in front of Consul servers for peering stream.
* Support new expose-servers Kubernetes Service deployed by Helm chart to expose the Consul servers, and using the service address in the peering token. [GH-1378]
* Support non-default partitions by using externalServers.hosts as the server addresses in the peering token. [GH-1384]
* Support arbitrary addresses as the server addresses in the peering token via global.peering.tokenGeneration.source="static" and global.peering.tokenGeneration.static=["sample-server-address:8502"]. [GH-1392]
* Generate new peering token only on user-triggered events. [GH-1399]

* Helm
* Bump default Envoy version to 1.22.4. [GH-1413]
* Added support for Consul API Gateway to read ReferenceGrant custom resources. This will require either installing Consul API Gateway CRDs from the upcoming v0.4.0 release with kubectl apply --kustomize "" or manually installing the ReferenceGrant CRD from the Gateway API v0.5 Experimental Channel when setting apiGateway.enabled=true [GH-1299]

* Helm
* Fix permissions in client-daemonset and server-statefulset when using extra-config volumes to prevent errors on OpenShift. [GH-1307]


Aug. 12, 2022, 1:41 p.m.
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