Redis - 7.2-rc3


Upgrade urgency LOW: This is the third Release Candidate for Redis 7.2.
Upgrade urgency SECURITY: If you're using a previous release candidate of 7.2.

Security Fixes:
* (CVE-2022-24834) A specially crafted Lua script executing in Redis can trigger
a heap overflow in the cjson and cmsgpack libraries, and result in heap
corruption and potentially remote code execution. The problem exists in all
versions of Redis with Lua scripting support, starting from 2.6, and affects
only authenticated and authorized users.
* (CVE-2023-36824) Extracting key names from a command and a list of arguments
may, in some cases, trigger a heap overflow and result in reading random heap
memory, heap corruption and potentially remote code execution. Specifically:
using COMMAND GETKEYS* and validation of key names in ACL rules.

New Features

New administrative and introspection commands and command arguments

  • Make SENTINEL CONFIG [SET|GET] variadic. (#10362)

Potentially Breaking / Behavior Changes

  • Cluster SHARD IDs are no longer visible in the cluster nodes output,
    introduced in 7.2-RC1. (#10536, #12166)
  • When calling PUBLISH with a RESP3 client that's also subscribed to the same channel,
    the order is changed and the reply is sent before the published message (#12326)

New configuration options

  • Add a new loglevel "nothing" to disable logging (#12133)
  • Add cluster-announce-human-nodename - a unique identifier for a node that is
    be used in logs for debugging (#9564)

Other General Improvements

  • Allow CLUSTER SLOTS / SHARDS commands during loading (#12269)
  • Support TLS service when "tls-cluster" is not enabled and persist both plain
    and TLS port in nodes.conf (#12233)
  • Update SPOP and RESTORE commands to replicate unlink commands to replicas
    when the server is configured to use async server deletes (#12320)
  • Try lazyfree the temporary zset in ZUNION / ZINTER / ZDIFF (#12229)

Performance and resource utilization improvements

  • Optimize PSUBSCRIBE and PUNSUBSCRIBE from O(N*M) to O(N) (#12298)
  • Optimize SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN, ZSCAN commands (#12209)
  • Set Jemalloc --disable-cache-oblivious to reduce memory overhead (#12315)
  • Optimize ZINTERCARD to avoid create a temporary zset (#12229)
  • Optimize HRANDFIELD and ZRANDMEMBER listpack encoded (#12205)
  • Numerous other optimizations (#12155, #12082, #11626, #11944, #12316, #12250,
    #12177, #12185)

Changes in CLI tools

  • redis-cli: Handle RESP3 double responses that contain a NaN (#12254)
  • redis-cli: Support URIs with IPv6 (#11834)

Module API changes

  • Align semantics of the new (v7.2 RC2) RM_ReplyWithErrorFormat with RM_ReplyWithError.
    This is a breaking change that affects the generated error code. (#12321)
  • Forbid RM_AddPostNotificationJob on loading and on read-only replicas (#12304)
  • Add ability for module command filter to know which client is being handled (#12219)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix broken protocol when PUBLISH is used inside MULTI when the RESP3
    publishing client is also subscribed for the channel (#12326)
  • Fix WAIT to be effective after a blocked module command being unblocked (#12220)
  • Re-enable downscale rehashing while there is a fork child (#12276)
  • Fix possible hang in HRANDFIELD, SRANDMEMBER, ZRANDMEMBER when used with <count> (#12276)
  • Improve fairness issue in RANDOMKEY, HRANDFIELD, SRANDMEMBER, ZRANDMEMBER, SPOP, and eviction (#12276)
  • Cluster: fix a race condition where a slot migration may revert on a subsequent failover or node joining (#12344)

Fixes for issues in previous releases of Redis 7.2

  • Fix XREADGROUP BLOCK with ">" from hanging (#12301)
  • Fix assertion when a blocked command is rejected when re-processed. (#12247)
  • Fix use after free on a blocking RM_Call. (#12342)


July 10, 2023, 11:56 a.m.
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