Netdata - v1.42.3

Netdata v1.42.3 is a patch release to address issues discovered since v1.42.2.

This patch release provides the following bug fixes and updates:


We would like to thank our dedicated, talented contributors that make up this amazing community. The time and expertise
that you volunteer are essential to our success. We thank you and look forward to continuing to grow together to build a
remarkable product.

  • @moonbreon for improving handling of closed connections in streaming.

Support options

As we grow, we stay committed to providing the best support ever seen from an open-source solution. Should you encounter an issue with any of the changes made in this release or any feature in the Netdata Agent, feel free to contact us through one of the following channels:

  • Netdata Learn: Find documentation, guides, and reference material for monitoring and troubleshooting your systems with Netdata.
  • GitHub Issues: Make use of the Netdata repository to report bugs or open a new feature request.
  • GitHub Discussions: Join the conversation around the Netdata development process and be a part of it.
  • Community Forums: Visit the Community Forums and contribute to the collaborative knowledge base.
  • Discord Server: Jump into the Netdata Discord and hang out with like-minded sysadmins, DevOps, SREs, and other troubleshooters. More than 1700 engineers are already using it!


Sept. 11, 2023, 4:35 p.m.
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