Activepieces - 0.8.0


Pieces :
- DeepL: Translate Text Action by @BBND
- Monday: Get Column Values / Get Item By Column Values / Change Multiple Column Values by @haseebrehmanpc
- Slack: Support for multiple action buttons by @rita-gorokhod
- Tags section: Ability to add tags for the run and query them through API only at this moment by @abuaboud
- Github: Create Issue by @kishanprmr
- Clarfai: Call Audio Model / Call Image Model / Call Post Inputs / Call Text Model / Call Workflow Actions by @zeiler
- Kimai: Create timesheet Action by @facferreira
- Supabase: Upload file to Storage Action by @abuaboud
- Schedule: Add Every X minutes action by @abuaboud
- SFTP: Read File Content Action / Added Path property inside New modified field by @abuaboud
- Contiguity: Send SMS Action by @Owlcept
- SimplePDF: New submission trigger by @bendersej
- Nifty: Create new task by @Salem-Alaa
- TidyCal: New Contact / New Booking / Cancelled booking by @Salem-Alaa
- Branch Piece: The testing step will now resolve variables and return correct results by @khaledmashaly
- Telegram: Added authentication instructions on how to obtain authentication by @abuaboud
- Twitter: Added validation for authentication by @abuaboud
- OpenAI: Improved error messages with instructions on how to avoid them by @abuaboud
- Calendly: Added validation to authentication by @abuaboud
- IMAP: Added validation to authentication with proper error messages, as well as instructions for Gmail by @abuaboud
- SMTP: Added validation to authentication by @abuaboud
- Google Contacts: Fixed the error when a phone number is entered in the create contact action by @abuaboud
- Ntfy: Authentication error is fixed by @facferreira
- RSS: New item trigger always sorts the RSS feed by date, even if it's not originally sorted by @abuaboud
- Facebook Pages: Added instructions on how to create an application by @abuaboud

Enhancements / Fixes:
- Sidebar Icons have been redesigned.
- Piece settings have been revamped. All piece properties are now visible by default, along with descriptions beneath them.
- Code Piece is now built using tsc instead of being webpack, which allows for packages that work on node.
- Flow title in the browser tab gets updated when the flow name is changed.
- Connection Names: Allowed more characters
- Dictionary field has been enhanced. If a large value is entered, it no longer makes the key field smaller.
- Fixed internal errors when the same flow is triggered many times at the same moment.

Security Improvements:
- Connection values are no longer exposed through any endpoint. Users will need to reenter all information upon pressing "reconnect" in the connections.
- All endpoints now have post validation to verify if the entity belongs to the user, adding a second layer of security.

Developer Experience:
- Fixed Docker Compose development environment for PostgreSQL migration.
- Added developer credentials to the Dev Container page by @FlorinBuffet.
- Included troubleshooting setups for codespaces by @fardeenpanjwani-codeglo.

- @haseebrehmanpc
- @rita-gorokhod
- @facferreira
- @kishanprmr
- @FlorinBuffet
- @Owlcept
- @bendersej
- @thatguynef
- @fardeenpanjwani-codeglo m
- @Salem-Alaa


Aug. 24, 2023, 6:50 p.m.
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