Activepieces - 0.14.1


- Google Calendar: Fixed New Event Trigger by @MoShizzle in PR #3219 / Get All Events Action by @Vitalini in PR #3238
- Notion: Create page / appended to page / updated database item triggered by @MoShizzle in PR #3225
- Trello: Authentication instructions by @MoShizzle in PR #3237
- Retune: Chatbot action added by @MoShizzle in PR #3236
- Lead Connector (GoHighLevel):** Addition of 10 actions and 4 triggers by @MoShizzle in PR #3261
- Youtube: Fixed Duplicate Item Triggers

- Added Spanish(es), German (de), Dutch (nl), and Dutch translations by various contributors (@jan hogler, @abuaboud) in multiple PRs (#3214, #3246, #3247)
- Allowed self-serve purchasing for users and fixed upgrade dialogs by @AbdulTheActivePiecer in PR #3268
- (Platform) Ability to Add Custom Domains from Platform Dashboard
- (Platform) Ability to set limits for each project from the platform dashboard.

- Locale fixes resolved language-related redirection issues
- Fixed upgrade banner not showing in cloud by @abuaboud in PR #3217
- Fixed infinite test flow loading for flow with large output by @abuaboud in PR #3234
- Fix favIcon on backend endpoints

Technical Debt:
- Removed Firebase Authentication
- Switched to in-house authentication system by @khaledmashaly in PR #3222 , PR #3263
- Added Google and GitHub federated authentication to in-house authentication system by @khaledmashaly and @abuaboud in PRs #3248, #3263
- Changed config path for the dev environment to handle technical debt (Pull Request #3244) - @abuaboud
- Ability to Choose Piece Source (FILE / DB / CLOUD_AND_DB)
- Apply Log level configuration to default logger.

- Contributions made by various contributors including @abuaboud, @MoShizzle, @khaledmashaly, @AbdulTheActivePiecer, @JanHogler, @Vitalini.


Nov. 29, 2023, 3:48 p.m.
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