Zulip - 4.9


  • CVE-2021-43799: Remote execution of code involving RabbitMQ.
  • Closed access to RabbitMQ port 25672; initial installs tried to
    close this port, but failed to restart RabbitMQ for the
  • Removed the rabbitmq.nodename configuration in zulip.conf; all
    RabbitMQ instances will be reconfigured to have a nodename of
    zulip@localhost. You can remove this setting from your
    zulip.conf configuration file, if it exists.
  • Added missing support for the Camo image proxy in the Docker
    image. This resolves a longstanding issue with image previews, if
    enabled, appearing as broken images for Docker-based installs.
  • Fixed a bug which allowed a user to edit a message to add a wildcard
    mention when they did not have permissions to send such messages
  • Fixed a bug in the tool that corrects database corruption caused by
    updating the operating system hosting PostgreSQL, which previously
    omitted some indexes from its verification. If you updated the
    operating system of your Zulip instance from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04,
    or from Debian Stretch to Debian Buster, you should run the tool,
    even if you did so previously; full details and instructions are
    available in the previous blog post.
  • Began routing requests from the Camo image proxy through a
    non-Smokescreen proxy, if one is configured; because Camo includes
    logic to deny access to private subnets, routing its requests
    through Smokescreen is generally not necessary.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the Camo secret required running
  • Fixed scripts/setup/compare-settings-to-template to be able to run
    from any directory.
  • Switched Let's Encrypt renewal to use its own timer, rather than our
    custom cron job. This fixes a bug where occasionally nginx would
    not reload after getting an updated certificate.
  • Updated documentation and tooling to note that installs using
    upgrade-zulip-from-git require 3 GB of RAM, or 2 GB and at least 1
    GB of swap.


Jan. 25, 2022, 2:30 a.m.
Zulip Server 4.9
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