Terraform - v1.6.1

1.6.1 (October 10, 2023)

* backend/s3: The skip_requesting_account_id argument supports AWS API implementations that do not have the IAM, STS, or metadata API. (#34002)

* config: Using sensitive values as one or both of the results of a conditional expression will no longer crash. [GH-33996]
* config: Conditional expression returning refined-non-null result will no longer crash. [GH-33996]
* cli: Reverted back to previous behavior of ignoring signing key expiration for provider installation, since it's the provider registry's responsibility to verify key validity at publication time. [GH-34004]
* cli: GIT_SSH_COMMAND is now preserved again when fetching modules from git source addresses. [GH-34045]
* cloud: The TF_WORKSPACE environment variable works with the cloud block again; it can specify a workspace when none is configured, or select an active workspace when the config specifies tags. [GH-34012]
* backend/s3: S3, DynamoDB, IAM, and STS endpoint parameters will no longer fail validation if the parsed scheme or hostname is empty. (#34017)
* backend/s3: Providing a key alias to the kms_key_id argument will no longer fail validation. (#33993)


Oct. 10, 2023, 5:27 p.m.
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