Prometheus Operator - v0.65.0

The main change introduced by this release is the new v1alpha1 ScrapeConfig CRD. This implements the proposal documented in and provides a Kubernetes native API to create and manage additional scrape configurations.

To try it, follow the following steps:

  1. Install the new CRD in the cluster (see example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_scrapeconfigs.yaml).
  2. Update the Prometheus operator's RBAC permissions to manage ScrapeConfig resources (see example/rbac/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator-cluster-role.yaml).

NOTE: if these conditions aren't met, the operator will start but it won't be able to reconcile the ScrapeConfig resources.

  • [FEATURE] Add the status subresource for the ThanosRuler CRD. #5520
  • [FEATURE] Add spec.web.timeout and spec.web.getConcurrency to the Alertmanager CRD. #5478
  • [FEATURE] Add spec.groups[].limit to the Prometheus CRD. #4999
  • [FEATURE] Add ScrapeConfig CRD. #5335
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Set a default for seccompProfile on the operator and webhook Deployments to RuntimeDefault. #5477
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add optional liveness and readiness probes to prometheus-config-reloader. This can be enabled via the --enable-config-reloader-probes CLI flag. #5449
  • [BUGFIX] Don't start the PrometheusAgent controller if the CRD isn't present or the operator lacks permissions. #5476
  • [BUGFIX] Declare spec.rules optional in PrometheusRule CRD. #5481
  • [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect metric counter value for failed sync status. #5533


May 4, 2023, 4:23 p.m.
0.65.0 / 2022-05-04
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