Prometheus Operator - v0.56.0

  • [CHANGE] Added validation at the API level for size-based fields of the Prometheus CRD. #4661
  • [CHANGE] Added validation at the API level for log level and format fields of the Alertmanager, Prometheus and ThanosRuler CRDs. #4638
  • [CHANGE] Added validation at the API level for duration and time-based fields of the Prometheus CRD. #4684
  • [CHANGE] Added shortnames for custom resources (amcfg for AlertmanagerConfig, am for Alertmanager, pmon for PodMonitor, prb for Probe, prom for Prometheus, smon for ServiceMonitor, ruler for Thanos Ruler). #4680
  • [FEATURE] Added status subresource to the Prometheus CRD. #4580
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added excludedFromEnforce field to the Prometheus CRD. It allows to define PodMonitor, ServiceMonitor, Probe or PrometheusRule objects for which the namespace label enforcement (if enabled) should not be applied. This deprecates prometheusRulesExcludedFromEnforce which is still supported but users are encouraged to migrate to the new field. #4397
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added enableRemoteWriteReceiver field to the Prometheus CRD. #4633
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added entity and actions fields for the OpsGenie receiver to the AlertmanagerConfig CRD. #4697
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added prometheus_operator_reconcile_duration_seconds histogram metric. #4706
  • [BUGFIX] Added support for opsgenie_api_key_file and api_key_file in the generated Alertmanager configuration. #4666 #4738


April 22, 2022, 1:44 p.m.
0.56.0 / 2022-04-20
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