Git - v2.43.2

Relative to Git 2.43.1, this release has two important fixes to allow
"git imap-send" to be built with NO_CURL defined, and to restore the
forced flushing behaviour when GIT_FLUSH=1 is set. It also contains
other, unexciting, fixes that have already been merged to the 'master'
branch of the development towards the next major release.

Fixes since Git 2.43.1

  • Update to a new feature recently added, "git show-ref --exists".

  • Rename detection logic ignored the final line of a file if it is an
    incomplete line.

  • "git diff --no-rename A B" did not disable rename detection but did
    not trigger an error from the command line parser.

  • "git diff --no-index file1 file2" segfaulted while invoking the
    external diff driver, which has been corrected.

  • Rewrite //-comments to / comments / in files whose comments
    prevalently use the latter.

  • A failed "git tag -s" did not necessarily result in an error
    depending on the crypto backend, which has been corrected.

  • "git stash" sometimes was silent even when it failed due to
    unwritable index file, which has been corrected.

  • Recent conversion to allow more than 0/1 in GIT_FLUSH broke the
    mechanism by flipping what yes/no means by mistake, which has been

Also contains documentation updates, code clean-ups and minor fixups.


Feb. 13, 2024, 11:15 p.m.
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