dapr - v1.6.2

Dapr 1.6.2


This hotfix release addresses a change made in how Actor Timers are validated during creation. Specifically, DueTime can be set to 0 to have a reminder fire immediately.


  • An Actor Timer with a DueTime of 0 will now pass validation allowing timers to fire immediately.


Actor Timer Creation


Registering an Actor Timer with a DueTime of 0 would fail and the Timer would not be started.

Root cause

A change introduced in release 1.6 caused Timers to be invalidated if their DueTime was in the past. However, when the DueTime is 0, signifying an immediate fire, it is set in Dapr to the current time. After it was set to the current time, it would later be compared to the current time again. As these time comparisons did not share the value for current time, it is almost guaranteed that the DueTime would now appear to be in the past.


Revert the code to pre-1.6 behavior which allows DueTimes to be in the past as that still equates to firing immediately.


April 20, 2022, 9:18 p.m.
Dapr Runtime v1.6.2
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