dapr - v1.11.3

Dapr 1.11.3

This update includes a fix for operator deployment on Kubernetes.
- Fixed Dapr Operator CrashLoopBackOff when Argo Controller is enabled

Fixed Dapr Operator CrashLoopBackOff when Argo Controller is enabled


When using the Dapr Operator on Kubernetes with Argo Controller enabled, the operator would fail to start with the following error:

time="2023-07-11T17:22:49.937549597Z" level=fatal msg="error running operator: error running operator: failed to wait for rollout caches to sync: timed out waiting for cache to be synced" instance=dapr-operator-7cd6d96dfd-9wbj7 scop │ │ Stream closed EOF for dapr-system/dapr-operator-7cd6d96dfd-9wbj7 (dapr-operator)


The Dapr Operator would fail to start when Argo Controller is enabled and a Argo rollout is performend.

Root cause

The Dapr Operator was not creating the full Operator scheme before waiting for the controller manager to start.


Updated the Dapr Operator to create the full Operator scheme before waiting for the controller manager to start.


Aug. 31, 2023, 6:54 p.m.
Dapr Runtime v1.11.3
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