dapr - v1.13.2

Dapr 1.13.2

This update includes bug fixes:

Fix incorrect content-length being sent to HTTP published message


Published messages to HTTP application server report a content-length error and are not processed.


PubSub messages from some PubSubs cannot be processed by the application.

Root cause

The content-length reported by the PubSub broker message was copied to the message sent to the application's HTTP server.
This content-length may not match the final message length sent to the application's HTTP server, resulting in the mesage being rejected.


Filter out the content-length header from the PubSub broker message before sending it to the application's HTTP server.

Fix PubSub in-flight messages from being cancelled during blocked shutdown.


During a blocked shutdown, all in-flight PubSub messages are cancelled and cannot be processed by the application or the applications processes status discarded.


During shutdown, in-flight messages which are currently being processed by the application cannot be completed.

Root cause

During shutdown, all publish calls to the application where being cancelled.


PubSub messages are now published to the application in an isolated routine, which is not cancelled during blocked shutdown.

Fix null value handling in AVRO schema validation for Kafka pub/sub.


When using Avro schema validation with the Kafka pub/sub component, consuming messages with a null value will fail and not be delivered to the app, and publishing messages with null values will fail.


Kafka messages with null values for both consumers and publishers are not delivered or published when using the Avro schema validation feature.

Root cause

The Dapr component did not have correct handling of null values in a message.


Handling of null values was added when serializing and deserializing messages.


April 4, 2024, 12:27 a.m.
Dapr Runtime v1.13.2
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