Containerd - v1.6.24

Welcome to the v1.6.24 release of containerd!

The twenty-fourth patch release for containerd 1.6 contains various fixes and updates.

Notable Updates

  • CRI: fix leaked shim caused by high IO pressure (#9004)
  • Update to go1.20.8 (#9073)
  • Update runc to v1.1.9 (#8966)
  • Backport: add configurable mount options to overlay snapshotter (#8961)
  • log: cleanups and improvements to decouple more from logrus (#9002)

See the changelog for complete list of changes

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at


  • Sebastiaan van Stijn
  • Akihiro Suda
  • Wei Fu
  • Derek McGowan
  • Akhil Mohan
  • Cardy.Tang
  • Danny Canter
  • Kazuyoshi Kato
  • Mike Brown
  • Phil Estes
  • Samuel Karp


45 commits

* [release/1.6] Prepare release notes for v1.6.24 ([#9087]( * [`cdd59290d`]( Prepare release notes for v1.6.24 * [release/1.6 backport] log: cleanups and improvements to decouple more from logrus ([#9002]( * [`33c2d88e7`]( Revert "log: define G() as a function instead of a variable" * [`0a7f2975e`]( log: swap logrus functions with their equivalent on default logger * [`9d175a19b`]( log: add package documentation and summary of package's purpose * [`96fb65529`]( log: make Fields type a generic map[string]any * [`bace17e2e`]( log: add log.Entry type * [`dd127885f`]( log: define OutputFormat type * [`5b4cf2329`]( log: define G() as a function instead of a variable * [`ee1b4a1e2`]( log: add all log-levels that are accepted * [`d563a411f`]( log: group "enum" consts and touch-up docs * [`6e8f4555b`]( log: WithLogger: remove redundant intermediate var * [`c19325559`]( log: SetFormat: include returns in switch * [`c3c22f8cb`]( log: remove dependency * [release/1.6] update to go1.20.8 ([#9073]( * [`a2c294800`]( [release/1.6] update to go1.20.8 * [release/1.6 backport] make repositories of install dependencies configurable ([#9024]( * [`0da8dcaa7`]( make repositories of install dependencies configurable * [release/1.6 backport] update Golang to go1.20.7, minimum version go1.19 ([#9020]( * [`8e6a9de5b`]( update to go1.20.7, go1.19.12 * [`8b2eb371f`]( Update Go to 1.20.6,1.19.11 * [`cff669c7a`]( update go to go1.20.5, go1.19.10 * [`f34a22de9`]( update go to go1.20.4, go1.19.9 * [`e8e73065e`]( update go to go1.20.3, go1.19.8 * [`9b3f950d6`]( Go 1.20.2 * [`17d03ac68`]( Go 1.20.1 * [`861f65447`]( go.mod: go 1.19 * [`81fa93784`]( Stop using math/rand.Read and rand.Seed (deprecated in Go 1.20) * [`70dc11a6c`]( lint: remove `//nolint:dupword` that are no longer needed * [`fec784a06`]( lint: silence "SA1019: tar.TypeRegA has been deprecated... (staticheck)" * [`6648df1ad`]( lint: silence "type `HostFileConfig` is unused (unused)" * [`e6b268bc7`]( golangci-lint v1.51.1 * [`c552ccf67`]( go.mod: v0.1.0 * [releases/1.6] *: fix leaked shim caused by high IO pressure ([#9004]( * [`d00af5c3e`]( integration: issue7496 case should work for runc.v2 only * [`583696e4e`]( Vagrantfile: add strace tool * [`ab21d60d2`]( pkg/cri/server: add criService as argument when handle exit event * [`a229883cb`]( pkg/cri/server: fix leaked shim issue * [`d8f824200`]( integration: add case to reproduce #7496 * [release/1.6] Cherry-pick: [overlay] add configurable mount options to overlay snapshotter ([#8961]( * [`8cd40e1d0`]( Add configurable mount options to overlay * [`453fa397a`]( feat: make overlay sync removal configurable * [release/1.6 backport] update runc binary to v1.1.9 ([#8966]( * [`4cb7764df`]( update runc binary to v1.1.9

Dependency Changes

  • 036812b2e83c -> v0.1.0

Previous release can be found at v1.6.23


Sept. 13, 2023, 11:15 p.m.
containerd 1.6.24
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