RKE - v1.4.8

Release v1.4.8

Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) is a CNCF-certified Kubernetes distribution that runs entirely within Docker containers. It works on bare-metal and virtualized servers. With RKE, the installation and operation of Kubernetes are both simplified and easily automated, and they are entirely independent of the operating system and platform you're running.


  • Introduced v1.24.16-rancher1-1, v1.25.12-rancher1-1, v1.26.7-rancher1-1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue around PodSecurityConfiguration which prevented v1.22 clusters to upgrade https://github.com/rancher/rke/pull/3306

Kubernetes Versions

Each version of RKE has a specific list of supported Kubernetes versions. If you want to use a different version than listed below, you will need to update Kubernetes using the system images option in your cluster.yml.

| Kubernetes version |
| --------------------- |
| v1.26.7-rancher1-1 (Default) |
| v1.25.12-rancher1-1 |
| v1.24.16-rancher1-1 |
| v1.23.16-rancher2-3 |

| Experimental Kubernetes version |
| --------------------- |
| N/A |

New Images in v1.26.7-rancher1-1, v1.25.12-rancher1-1 and v1.24.16-rancher1-1

Updated Hyperkube Image based on k8s versions

  • rancher/hyperkube:v1.26.7-rancher1
  • rancher/hyperkube:v1.25.12-rancher1
  • rancher/hyperkube:v1.24.16-rancher1

Full Changelog: https://github.com/rancher/rke/compare/v1.4.7...v1.4.8


Aug. 3, 2023, 9:21 p.m.
Release v1.4.8
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