Prometheus - v2.42.0

This release comes with a bunch of feature coverage for native histograms and breaking changes.

If you are trying native histograms already, we recommend you remove the wal directory when upgrading.
Because the old WAL record for native histograms is not backward compatible in v2.42.0, this will lead to some data loss for the latest data.

Additionally, if you scrape "float histograms" or use recording rules on native histograms in v2.42.0 (which writes float histograms),
it is a one-way street since older versions do not support float histograms.

  • [CHANGE] breaking TSDB: Changed WAL record format for the experimental native histograms. #11783
  • [FEATURE] Add 'keep_firing_for' field to alerting rules. #11827
  • [FEATURE] Promtool: Add support of selecting timeseries for TSDB dump. #11872
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Agent: Native histogram support. #11842
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Rules: Support native histograms in recording rules. #11838
  • [ENHANCEMENT] SD: Add container ID as a meta label for pod targets for Kubernetes. #11844
  • [ENHANCEMENT] SD: Add VM size label to azure service discovery. #11650
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Support native histograms in federation. #11830
  • [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Add gauge histogram support. #11783 #11840 #11814
  • [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB/Scrape: Support FloatHistogram that represents buckets as float64 values. #11522 #11817 #11716
  • [ENHANCEMENT] UI: Show individual scrape pools on /targets page. #11142


Feb. 1, 2023, 8:56 a.m.
2.42.0 / 2023-01-31
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