Django - 5.0.3


Django 5.0.3 release notes

March 4, 2024

Django 5.0.3 fixes a security issue with severity “moderate” and several bugs
in 5.0.2.


  • Fixed a regression in Django 5.0.2 where intcomma template filter could
    return a leading comma for string representation of floats (#35172).
  • Fixed a bug in Django 5.0 that caused a crash of Signal.asend() and
    asend\_robust() when all receivers were asynchronous functions
  • Fixed a regression in Django 5.0.1 where ModelAdmin.lookup\_allowed()
    would prevent filtering against foreign keys using lookups like \_\_isnull
    when the field was not included in ModelAdmin.list\_filter
  • Fixed a regression in Django 5.0 that caused a crash of
    @sensitive\_variables and @sensitive\_post\_parameters decorators on
    functions loaded from .pyc files (#35187).
  • Fixed a regression in Django 5.0 that caused a crash when reloading a test
    database and a base queryset for a base manager used prefetch\_related()
  • Fixed a bug in Django 5.0 where facet filters in the admin would crash on a
    SimpleListFilter using a queryset without primary keys (#35198).


Security wording was detected, but no CVEs were found.


March 4, 2024, 7:41 a.m.
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