Django - 4.1.4

Django 4.1.4 release notes

December 6, 2022

Django 4.1.4 fixes several bugs in 4.1.3.


  • Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused an unnecessary table rebuild
    when adding a ManyToManyField on SQLite (#34138).
  • Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of the sitemap index view with
    an empty Sitemap.items() and
    a callable lastmod
  • Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash using acreate(),
    aget\_or\_create(), and aupdate\_or\_create() asynchronous methods of
    related managers (#34139).
  • Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of QuerySet.bulk\_create()
    with "pk" in unique\_fields (#34177).
  • Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of QuerySet.bulk\_create()
    on fields with db\_column (#34171).


Dec. 6, 2022, 9:14 a.m.
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