Erlang - OTP-26.1

 --- HIGHLIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------

  OTP-18746    Application(s): stdlib
               Related Id(s): PR-7313, PR-7456

               *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY ***

               A warning for (accidental use of) Triple-Quoted Strings
               has been implemented as per EEP 64.

 --- POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITIES -------------------------------------

  OTP-18696    Application(s): stdlib

               Pattern matching and equivalence (=:=, =/=) comparisons
               on 0.0 will now raise a warning, as it will no longer
               be considered equivalent to -0.0 in OTP 27.

               If a match on 0.0 specifically is desired (distinct
               from -0.0), the warning can be suppressed by writing
               +0.0 instead.

               The arithmetic comparison operators are unaffected,
               including arithmetic equality (==).

  OTP-18746    Application(s): stdlib
               Related Id(s): PR-7313, PR-7456

               *** HIGHLIGHT ***

               A warning for (accidental use of) Triple-Quoted Strings
               has been implemented as per EEP 64.


Sept. 20, 2023, 7:17 a.m.
OTP 26.1
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