Backstage - v1.26.2

This release is the official start of the community-plugins repository! :tada:

Out of the back of the discussions in #20266, we aligned with the help of RedHat to move some plugins which are maintained by the community out of this repo, and have a dedicated space. There they will have their own independent workspaces, with their own release cycles not coupled to the Backstage mainline / next release.

With the move comes a new NPM scope, @backstage-community. Upgrading to these packages is as easy as running yarn backstage-cli versions:bump followed by yarn backstage-cli versions:migrate, in which these scripts will update both code references under ./src and package.json references to the old namespace.

If you have already upgraded to v1.26.1 make sure to run yarn backstage-cli versions:bump --skip-migrate and then yarn backstage-cli versions:migrate separately in order to take advantage of the inline code replacements that shipped in this release!

From this release versions:bump will also try to migrate any packages over time for you, without needing to do versions:migrate separately.

Please reach out on Discord, or file an issue, if you're having issues with moving to the new packages.


April 19, 2024, 12:14 p.m.
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