Playwright - v1.44.0

New APIs

Accessibility assertions
- expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleName() checks if the element has the specified accessible name:

js const locator = page.getByRole('button'); await expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleName('Submit');

js const locator = page.getByRole('button'); await expect(locator).toHaveAccessibleDescription('Upload a photo');

js const locator = page.getByTestId('save-button'); await expect(locator).toHaveRole('button');

Locator handler
- After executing the handler added with page.addLocatorHandler(), Playwright will now wait until the overlay that triggered the handler is not visible anymore. You can opt-out of this behavior with the new noWaitAfter option.
- You can use new times option in page.addLocatorHandler() to specify maximum number of times the handler should be run.
- The handler in page.addLocatorHandler() now accepts the locator as argument.
- New page.removeLocatorHandler() method for removing previously added locator handlers.

const locator = page.getByText('This interstitial covers the button');
await page.addLocatorHandler(locator, async overlay => {
  await overlay.locator('#close').click();
}, { times: 3, noWaitAfter: true });
// Run your tests that can be interrupted by the overlay.
// ...
await page.removeLocatorHandler(locator);

Miscellaneous options
- multipart option in apiRequestContext.fetch() now accepts FormData and supports repeating fields with the same name.

js const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', new File(['let x = 2024;'], 'f1.js', { type: 'text/javascript' })); formData.append('file', new File(['hello'], 'f2.txt', { type: 'text/plain' }));'', { multipart: formData });

Reporter API
- New method suite.entries() returns child test suites and test cases in their declaration order. suite.type and testCase.type can be used to tell apart test cases and suites in the list.
- Blob reporter now allows overriding report file path with a single option outputFile. The same option can also be specified as PLAYWRIGHT_BLOB_OUTPUT_FILE environment variable that might be more convenient on CI/CD.
- JUnit reporter now supports includeProjectInTestName option.

Command line
- --last-failed CLI option for running only tests that failed in the previous run.

First run all tests:

$ npx playwright test

Running 103 tests using 5 workers
2 failed
[chromium] › my-test.spec.ts:8:5 › two ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[chromium] › my-test.spec.ts:13:5 › three ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
101 passed (30.0s)

Now fix the failing tests and run Playwright again with --last-failed option:

$ npx playwright test --last-failed

Running 2 tests using 2 workers
2 passed (1.2s)

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 125.0.6422.14
  • Mozilla Firefox 125.0.1
  • WebKit 17.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:
* Google Chrome 124
* Microsoft Edge 124


May 6, 2024, 11:53 p.m.
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