cert-manager - v1.9.0

Changes since v1.8.2

Changes by Kind


  • Added support for pulling both AWS access key IDs and secret keys from Kubernetes secrets (#5194, @Compy)
  • Adds make clean-all for starting a fresh development environment and make which-go for getting go version information when developing cert-manager (#5118, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Adds make upload-release target for publishing cert-manager releases to GCS, simplifying the cert-manager release process simpler and making it easier to change (#5205, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Adds a new alpha Prometheus summary vector metric certmanager_http_venafi_client_request_duration_seconds which allows tracking the latency of Venafi API calls. The metric is labelled by the type of API call. Example PromQL query: certmanager_http_venafi_client_request_duration_seconds{api_call="request_certificate"} will show the average latency of calls to the Venafi certificate request endpoint (#5053, @irbekrm)
  • Adds more verbose logging info for certificate renewal in the DynamicSource webhook to include DNSNames (#5142, @AcidLeroy)
  • Adds new LICENSES format and ability to verify and update licenses through make (#5243, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Adds private key Ingress annotations to set private key properties for Certificate (#5239, @oGi4i)
  • Adds the cert-manager.io/revision-history-limit annotation for Ingress resources, to limit the number of CertificateRequests which are kept for a Certificate (#5221, @oGi4i)
  • Adds the literalSubject field for Certificate resources. This is an alpha feature, enabled by passing the flag --feature-gates=LiteralCertificateSubject=true to the cert-manager controller and webhook. literalSubject allows fine-grained control of the subject a certificate should have when issued and is intended for power-users with specific use cases in mind (#5002, @spockz)
  • Change default build dir from bin to _bin, which plays better with certain tools which might treat bin as just another source directory (#5130, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Helm: Adds a new namespace parameter which allows users to override the namespace in which resources will be created. This also allows users to set the namespace of the chart when using cert-manager as a sub chart. (#5141, @andrewgkew)
  • Helm: Allow for users to not auto-mount service account tokens see also k/k#57601 (#5016, @sveba)
  • Use multiple retries when provisioning tools using curl, to reduce flakes in tests and development environments (#5272, @SgtCoDFish)

Bug or Regression

  • CertificateRequests controllers must wait for the core secrets informer to be synced (#5224, @rodrigorfk)
  • Ensure that make release-artifacts only builds unsigned artifacts as intended (#5181, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Ensure the startupapicheck is only scheduled on Linux nodes in the helm chart (#5136, @craigminihan)
  • Fixed a bug where the Venafi Issuer would not verify its access token (TPP) or API key (Cloud) before becoming ready. Venafi Issuers now remotely verify the access token or API key (#5212, @jahrlin)
  • Fixed release artifact archives generated by Make so that a leading ./ is stripped from paths. This ensures that behaviour is the same as v1.7 and earlier (#5050, @jahrlin)
  • Increase timeouts for issuer and clusterissuer controllers to 2 minutes and increase ACME client HTTP timeouts to 90 seconds, in order to enable the use of slower ACME issuers which take a long time to process certain requests. (#5226, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Increases Venafi Issuer timeout for retrieving a certificate increased to 60 seconds, up from 10. This gives TPP instances longer to complete their workflows and make the certificate available before cert-manager times out and re-queues the request. (#5247, @hawksight)
  • Remove pkg/util/coverage which broke compatibility with go 1.18; thanks @davidsbond for finding the issue! (#5032, @SgtCoDFish)
  • cmctl and kubectl cert-manager now report their actual versions instead of "canary", fixing issue #5020 (#5286, @jetstack-bot)

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • Adds make update-all as a convenience target to run before raising a PR (#5251, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Adds make targets for updating and verifying CRDs and codegen (#5242, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Bump cert-manager's version of Go to 1.18 (#5152, @lucacome)
  • Bumps distroless base images to their latest versions (#5222, @irbekrm)
  • CertificateSigningRequest: no longer mark a request as failed when using the SelfSigned issuer, and the Secret referenced in experimental.cert-manager.io/private-key-secret-name doesn't exist. (#5332, @jetstack-bot)
  • Only require python for the one test we have which needs it, rather than requiring it globally (#5245, @SgtCoDFish)
  • Remove deprecated field securityContext.enabled from helm chart (#4721, @Dean-Coakley)
  • Removes support for networking/v1beta Ingresses in ingress-shim. (#5250, @irbekrm)
  • Reverts additional check for ServiceMonitor (#5202, @irbekrm)
  • Updates Kubernetes libraries to v0.24.2. (#5097, @lucacome)
  • Updates warning message that is thrown if issuance fails because private key does not match spec, but private key regeneration is disabled. See https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/pull/5199. (#5199, @irbekrm)


July 22, 2022, 3:13 p.m.
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