bun - bun-v0.0.28

Bun on Linux x64

Bun is now available for Linux x64. That includes a filesystem watcher leveraging inotify, Linux's API for watching files as well as macros and SSR/SSG.

When bundling 20 copies of Three.js on Linux x64, Bun performed:
- 1.6x faster than esbuild
- 13.5x faster than Parcel 2
- 19.5x faster than Webpack (without babel-loader)

I have done very little work on optimizing Bun for Linux. I'm not satisfied with these numbers, but it's a start.

CleanShot 2021-10-03 at 23 06 06@2x

Bun uses the GOMAXPROCS to control concurrency despite not being written in Go because I didn't want to think about what to name the variable

The runs with GOMAXPROCS=1 are single-threaded runs.

Bun single-threaded performed 2.2x faster than esbuild single-threaded. The relative gap between single-threaded and concurrent performance implies there's room for improvement in Bun's concurrency code. This machine has 6 cores (nproc returns 12) and 64 GB of memory.


  • Bun's installed binary is now about 28% smaller


Oct. 4, 2021, 6:34 a.m.
Bun v0.0.28
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