Activepieces - 0.12.0


- Internationalization is now supported by @Doskyft; you can see Activepieces in French by adding /fr to the URL and as well the ability to contribute other languages.
- Ability to turn bull board to visualize redis queues and trouble shoot further, check environment variables.
- Private Pieces are now supported by uploading the tar file directly into "My Pieces" and the documentation (Paid feature).
- Platform (Admin) Settings are now supported in Enterprise Edition / Cloud Edition (Paid Feature).
- Added the ability to create projects in Platform Settings (Paid Feature).
- Added the ability to change branding / theme from Platform Admin Settings (Paid Feature).
- Added the ability to whitelabel Activepieces using your custom domain (Cloud feature only).

- Airtable: Fixed Field Mapping when Updating a Record
- Microsoft Excel: Actions - Append Row to Worksheet, Get Worksheets, Get Worksheet Rows, Update Worksheet Row, Clear Worksheet, Delete Worksheet, Add a Worksheet to a Workbook, Get Table Rows, Get Table Columns, Create Table, Delete Table, Lookup Table Column, Append Row to a Table, and Convert to Range, all by @BastienMe
- Saastic: Actions - Create/Update Customer and Create Customer Charge by @leolupianez
- Shopify: Sample data for triggers is now fixed.
- Math: Actions - Division, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Modulo, Generate Random Number, all by @lisander-lopez
- Discord: Actions - Add Role to User, Remove Role from User, Rename Channel, Find Channel, Find User, all by @TaskMagicKyle
- OpenRouter: The load models list is now fixed.
- Talkable: Added a "No Error On Failure" parameter for all actions by @Vitalini

- Made the area under the data to insert popup clickable when hidden.
- Webhook Multipart is now fixed and supported again.
- The "Delete Team Member" button is now fixed.
- Code pieces are now stored inside flow JSON, which should prevent code from disappearing sometimes after publishing or when duplicating a flow.

Developers Experience:
- The HTTP library in the piece framework now sends query parameters correctly, thanks to @andchir.
- Improved Docker layer caching and ignored files, contributed by @maor-rozenfeld.
- Added integration tests for the platform APIs as well improved the e2e playwright tests to be error prone.

Big shoutout to @andchir, @leolupianez, @lisander-lopez, @Doskyft, @UdayKharatmol, @derbbre, @TaskMagicKyle, @maor-rozenfeld

Full Changelog:


Oct. 26, 2023, 11:34 p.m.
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