TiDB - v5.4.3

Bug fixes

  • Fix the incorrect output of SHOW CREATE PLACEMENT POLICY #37526
  • Fix the issue that some DDL statements might be stuck for a period after the PD node of a cluster is replaced #33908
  • Fix the issue that KILL TIDB cannot take effect immediately on idle connections #24031
  • Fix the issue that incorrect results are returned in the DATA_TYPE and COLUMN_TYPE columns when querying the INFORMSTION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS system table #36496
  • Fix the issue that when TiDB Binlog is enabled, executing the ALTER SEQUENCE statement might cause a wrong metadata version and cause Drainer to exit #36276
  • Fix the issue that the UNION operator might return unexpected empty result #36903
  • Fix the wrong result that occurs when enabling dynamic mode in partitioned tables for TiFlash #37254
  • Fix the issue that INL_HASH_JOIN might hang when used with LIMIT #35638
  • Fix the issue that TiDB might return the invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference error when executing the SHOW WARNINGS statement #31569
  • Fix the invalid transaction error that occurs when performing Stale Read in the RC isolation level #30872
  • Fix the issue that the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement with DML executors might return result before the transaction commit finishes #37373
  • Fix the issue of the data and columnID count not match error that occurs when inserting duplicated values with TiDB Binlog enabled #33608
  • Fix the issue that in the static partition prune mode, SQL statements with an aggregate condition might return wrong result when the table is empty #35295
  • Fix the issue that TiDB might panic when executing the UPDATE statement #32311
  • Fix the issue of wrong query result because the UnionScan operator cannot maintain the order #33175
  • Fix the issue that the UPDATE statements incorrectly eliminate the projection in some cases, which causes the Can't find column error #37568
  • Fix the issue that partitioned tables cannot fully use indexes to scan data in some cases #33966
  • Fix the issue that the EXECUTE might throw an unexpected error in specific scenarios #37187
  • Fix the issue that TiDB might return wrong results when using a BIT type index with prepared plan cache enabled #33067


Oct. 13, 2022, 5:55 a.m.
tidb-server v5.4.3
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