Selenium - selenium-4.7.0


For each component's detailed changelog, please check:
* Ruby
* Python
* JavaScript
* Java
* DotNet
* IEDriverServer

Commits in this release

Click to see all the commits included in this release * [0a5b49d16f]( - [java] update changelog and bump version to 4.7 :: titusfortner * [8d170a99d4]( - [rb] update changes and bump version to 4.7 :: titusfortner * [8d92d981a5]( - [py] update changes and bump version to 4.7 :: titusfortner * [68b46096da]( - [js] update changes and bump version to 4.7 :: titusfortner * [1f5fe6da92]( - [dotnet] update readme and bump version to 4.7 :: titusfortner * [7ee8add26b]( - [cpp] bump IE Driver version to 4.7 :: titusfortner * [4b4e01dddf]( - update selenium manager binaries for 4.7 release :: titusfortner * [7a79429d15]( - [js] update ways error messages are handled for selenium manager :: titusfortner * [c23b95b9ff]( - [dotnet] split up frameworks on CI :: titusfortner * [993e6b2f97]( - [py] fix linter issue :: titusfortner * [416d183251]( - [ci] run language tests from typical language tags :: titusfortner * [409b057bdf]( - [py]: 🚀 Improve performance (#11310) :: Fenil Mehta * [8b6dbb38e0]( - [py]: Propagate `stderr` to exceptions when selenium manager fails (#11329) :: Simon K * [3584dad5b5]( - [Build] setup multiple python interpreters defaulting to 3.8 :: AutomatedTester * [cccbe85920]( - [Build] Bump rules_python to 0.15 :: AutomatedTester * [8cd4954c7a]( - [rb] fix failing specs :: titusfortner * [285dacec9c]( - [dotnet][cdp] add support for Chrome 108 and remove support for Chrome 105 :: titusfortner * [922f5d31af]( - [js][cdp] add support for Chrome 108 and remove support for Chrome 105 :: titusfortner * [e8c0102941]( - [rb][cdp] add support for Chrome 108 and remove support for Chrome 105 :: titusfortner * [c315feef9d]( - [py][cdp] add support for Chrome 108 and remove support for Chrome 105 :: titusfortner * [8d5c10ff62]( - [java][cdp] add support for Chrome 108 and remove support for Chrome 105 :: titusfortner * [69fac46fe0]( - [cdp] add support for Chrome 108 and remove support for Chrome 105 :: titusfortner * [3d1b8c6267]( - [dotnet] run tests on Windows CI :: titusfortner * [a8f4184e3c]( - [rb] make sure command execution errors get rescued :: titusfortner * [769cd05fb4]( - [rb] fix reset_driver! implementation :: titusfortner * [37498f8bd1]( - [java] toggle selenium manager output by exit value instead of content :: titusfortner * [18fc6346f7]( - [rb] toggle Selenium Manager execution output on exit code :: titusfortner * [ec2430e52b]( - [java] minor test updates :: titusfortner * [b4d6c4e59a]( - [cpp] update to visual studio 2022 :: titusfortner * [9480f0d514]( - [dotnet][cdp] implement get targets better :: titusfortner * [aa5dfd697f]( - [dotnet] add guards and fix tests :: titusfortner * [b3c3903c9f]( - [dotnet] add test attributes to guard for platforms and targets :: titusfortner * [8fb8fd791a]( - [dotnet] toggle Selenium Manager execution output on exit code :: titusfortner * [d2838e1291]( - [dotnet] update everything required for .NET 6 :: titusfortner * [471e245d7c]( - ci: fix GitHub_Actions set-output is deprecated (#11265) :: Christian Clauss * [955581f308]( - [java] Merge mutable capabilities with options correctly :: Puja Jagani * [ef63f5d110]( - [JS] Resolve dependabot alerts :: Sriharsha * [2a0a11403e]( - [JS] Bump rules_nodejs to 5.7.2 :: Sriharsha * [0831f5d7ce]( - update all github actions to latest versions for consistency :: titusfortner * [c3a8c94d1f]( - [py] Upgrade GitHub Actions (#11257) :: Christian Clauss * [148e0d5229]( - [rb] parse stderr and stdout for improved error logging with Selenium Manager :: titusfortner * [e8e5f3674a]( - Make nightly version bump target names consistent :: Alex Rodionov * [2589a32331]( - Fix RuboCop offenses in NightlyVersionGenerator :: Alex Rodionov * [538c11af6d]( - Publish nightly versions of Ruby gems every day :: Alex Rodionov * [ab38b9cce2]( - Upgrade Ruby rules for Bazel to the latest version :: Alex Rodionov * [02d47fdca0]( - add test information to readme :: titusfortner * [0f8c153d6b]( - [rb] improve logic for tests that require specific options :: titusfortner * [af2ab3f0c0]( - [rb] allow safari options to specify technology preview :: titusfortner * [26b9f665c4]( - [rb] remove references to testing firefox nightly :: titusfortner * [59763fcdf5]( - [rb] update safety checks :: titusfortner * [71657e9858]( - [rb] speed up target locator specs :: titusfortner * [50974dfaa2]( - Run Edge tests for Ruby on Windows :: Alex Rodionov * [7024abb03a]( - Run Firefox tests for Ruby on Windows :: Alex Rodionov * [db43c94f25]( - Run Chrome tests for Ruby on Windows :: Alex Rodionov * [e183ceb561]( - Run unit tests for Ruby on Windows :: Alex Rodionov * [5990c6aad6]( - Improve websocket connection stability :: Alex Rodionov * [4041b4d332]( - Make Bazel GitHub actions cross-platform :: Alex Rodionov * [e826612604]( - Simplify selection of Ruby version for CI :: Alex Rodionov * [0ea5e3e8dd]( - [dotnet] Capture error output from selenium manager (#11320) :: Nikolay Borisenko * [854dd5fd46]( - [dotnet] Target net48 on Tests Projects (#11314) :: Dor Blayzer * [728862db58]( - [dotnet] Bump Moq from 4.12.0 to 4.13.0 in /dotnet/test/common (#11323) :: Dor Blayzer * [8486d5d6ee]( - README: added ruby test commands (#11296) :: Tamsil Sajid Amani * [83859d34e9]( - README: added dotnet Integration tests Quickstart (#11317) :: Dor Blayzer * [6cee467b4b]( - [rust] Use of pure Rust TLS dependencies (fix #11291) (#11316) :: Boni García * [24ea8c308f]( - [py]: Bump versions for `4.6.1` in py files :: symonk * [8f33cf2bb4]( - [py]: Prep `changelog` for python `4.6.1` :: symonk * [a65dde078b]( - Replace response.getheader() with response.headers.get() (#11308) :: Michael Mintz * [68e0c851b1]( - [grid] Removing several filters part of makeW3CSafe :: Diego Molina * [84da5ed2a2]( - [java] Include selenium-manager output in Java exception (#11300) :: Boni García * [158aacef7f]( - Bump minimatch and recursive-readdir in /javascript/grid-ui (#11307) :: dependabot[bot] * [c8a3c5bc10]( - [java][bidi] Add constructor parameter for commands without a response :: Puja Jagani * [8124086117]( - Support JRuby 9.4 in Ruby bindings :: Alex Rodionov * [a4dac0c511]( - add support in bindings to use Selenium Manager with Internet Explorer :: titusfortner * [4030c40fa5]( - [rust] Include support for IEDriverServer in Selenium Manager (#11279) :: Boni García * [614b08871a]( - [grid] Updating material ui deps :: Diego Molina * [4cc05e4eec]( - Add .NET 6 support to .NET bindings (#11298) :: jimevans * [a23df9194f]( - [dotnet] Use new implementation of HttpClient in DriverService for communication (#11143) :: Nikolay Borisenko * [38d9776b75]( - add support for Ruby tests with IE :: titusfortner * [66e3c96ec7]( - previous change was committed by mistake :: titusfortner * [c3f832b13e]( - [grid] do not offload from multiple threads to a single worker (#11260) :: joerg1985 * [384825f16b]( - Fix Firefox take full page screenshot spec :: Alex Rodionov * [4b7e292f6a]( - Fix Retina screen detection in Ruby specs :: Alex Rodionov * [62ef296ad9]( - Refactor screenshot specs in Ruby :: Alex Rodionov * [15dc11f8ea]( - [java][bidi] Allow pssing json mapper when sending BiDi command :: Puja Jagani * [bd6952bb4b]( - [java][bidi] Add LogInspector :: Puja Jagani * [52aebb5157]( - [java] Fixing Firefox tests after Firefox 107 release :: Diego Molina * [8e59febc39]( - [grid] Get TZ from parent container when not passed as cap. :: Diego Molina * [b836aa3f87]( - Fixing Rakefile :: Diego Molina * [db83768085]( - [java] follow the contract of Closeable.close() (#11282) :: joerg1985 * [be320332d1]( - [grid] improved exception handling when no cause is set (#11286) :: joerg1985 * [6ddaaf3120]( - [py] make relative_locator errors meaningful (#11284) :: Jared Webber * [0231def8c8]( - [rust] Check driver in cache before uncompressing (fix #11226) (#11273) :: Boni García * [5ce0a04a9b]( - [rust] Disable TTL for browsers in Selenium Manager (#11209) (#11278) :: Boni García * [94788289ef]( - [java][bidi] Avoid nested lists when sending single browsing context :: Puja Jagani * [a70d3bceac]( - [Build] Bump rules_python to 0.13.0 :: AutomatedTester * [3a33a8dfab]( - Stop using system-wide Python for Bazel :: Alex Rodionov * [7ef46ae5d8]( - [bidi][java] Pass set of browsing contexts instead of list :: Puja Jagani * [e62baccfbb]( - [bidi][java] Map JavascriptLogEntry to correct type :: Puja Jagani * [2940e6f074]( - [bidi][java] Allow pass browsing context to subscribe to an event :: Puja Jagani * [32e38eba02]( - [bidi][java] Add JavascriptLogEntry object to match the w3c BiDi spec :: Puja Jagani * [abde4ce306]( - [rust] Improve error handling in Selenium Manager (#11263) :: Boni García * [ff544bfc18]( - Bump loader-utils from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 in /javascript/grid-ui (#11266) :: dependabot[bot] * [7b23d4a1fe]( - Bump loader-utils from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 (#11268) :: dependabot[bot] * [d52f7babd1]( - [JS] Set node_version to 18.x.x to install rules_nodejs dependencies :: Sriharsha * [abfe1cd749]( - [js] Bump npm package versions to latest :: Sriharsha * [7fdaf217b8]( - [js] Bump version to 4.6.1 and update changelog :: Puja Jagani * [b497b49062]( - [js] Support Node 17 and above (#11262) :: Puja Jagani * [fc4a104a46]( - Fix typos (#11258) :: Christian Clauss * [8125df33ec]( - Refactor takes_screenshot_spec to work on Windows :: Alex Rodionov * [78d9e8ea1f]( - Handle unknown TERM signal on Windows :: Alex Rodionov * [0ecc50c55c]( - Fix ChildProcess to handle both normal exit and exit by signal :: Alex Rodionov * [a2d76326d7]( - Allow access to $HOME for TruffleRuby :: Alex Rodionov * [04ede9e6f1]( - Add support for TruffleRuby :: Alex Rodionov * [969b734bc6]( - Remove ChildProcess gem dependency :: Alex Rodionov * [81cd1a2750]( - [grid] fixed reading the Connection header (#11255) :: joerg1985 * [558e0a0d3b]( - [java] Return new input stream to allow multiple reads (#11249) :: Puja Jagani * [5f4a05c714]( - Avoid Ruby installation on every CI build :: Alex Rodionov * [71545c92c6]( - Switch to our own hermetic Ruby rules for Bazel :: Alex Rodionov * [6a8bf1ca7e]( - [grid] Guarding session stop in case the request fails :: Diego Molina * [c579ecd621]( - [java] Removing deprecated method in FirefoxProfile :: Diego Molina * [9c30b2f338]( - [java] Removing deprecated APPLICATION_NAME and ELEMENT_SCROLL_BEHAVIOR :: Diego Molina * [bdd9cbd7f5]( - Ensure merged jars have all directories added :: Simon Mavi Stewart * [83f625cfe0]( - Bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 in /javascript/grid-ui (#11241) :: dependabot[bot] * [76e29197c0]( - Bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 (#11240) :: dependabot[bot] * [de981a84fc]( - [rust] Bump Selenium Manager dependecies (#11236) :: Boni García * [62fce24e38]( - [rust] Format Selenium Manager Rust logic using cargo fmt (#11237) :: Boni García * [7bfbfc605e]( - [rust] Update Selenium Manager M2 milestones in README (#11235) :: Boni García * [19941392d9]( - [iedriver] ignore zoom if running on Edge (#11055) :: Titus Fortner * [b59bb0b6d2]( - [py]: bump `linting` dependency versions :: symonk * [7d4f3b1c9c]( - [java] Removing deprecated content related to locationContextEnabled :: Diego Molina * [2c388e5363]( - [java] Removing deprecated content related to NetworkConnection :: Diego Molina * [a31d34e6d2]( - [java] Removing deprecated IE cap with typo :: Diego Molina * [ded3b2f60a]( - [java] Deleting leftovers of deprecated content related to AppCache :: Diego Molina * [6623b90f4d]( - [java] Removing deprecated content related to AppCache :: Diego Molina * [946d789769]( - [java] Removing deprecated Rotatable related classes :: Diego Molina * [096b6f8833]( - [java] Deleting duplicated test :: Diego Molina * [0891a3bb84]( - [rb] Remove executable permission for unnecessary files :: Alex Rodionov * [62a39a0782]( - [JS] Set node version to 16.x.x in WORKSPACE :: Sriharsha * [8b9af8254e]( - [JS] Set node version to 16.x.x in WORKSPACE :: Sriharsha * [335df76301]( - [py]: Fix syntax for `stream.close()` in `` :: Simon K * [1d5210a838]( - [py]: Avoid using imported modules in `__del__` as interpreter shutdown may have destroyed them already :: Simon K * [cd5d46a8e9]( - [rb] update changelog and bump version to 4.6.1 :: titusfortner * [09f6cd86f5]( - [rb] do not change file permissions when copied into gem :: titusfortner * [1e325adb3a]( - [dotnet] both a mistype and not necessary :: titusfortner


Dec. 1, 2022, 11:55 p.m.
Selenium 4.7.0
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