RabbitMQ - v3.9.26

RabbitMQ 3.9.26 is a maintenance release in the 3.9.x release series.

Please refer to the Upgrading to 3.9 section from v3.9.0 release notes if upgrading from a version prior to 3.9.0.

This release requires at least Erlang 24.2, and supports Erlang 25. RabbitMQ and Erlang/OTP Compatibility Matrix has more details on Erlang version requirements for RabbitMQ.

Minimum Supported Erlang Version

Erlang 23 support has reached its end of support.

Starting with this release, RabbitMQ requires Erlang 24.2 or later versions. Nodes will fail to start on older Erlang releases.

Changes Worth Mentioning

Release notes can be found on GitHub at rabbitmq-server/release-notes.

Core Server

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a type analyzer definition.

Contributed by @illotum (AWS).

GitHub issue: #6401

LDAP Plugin

Bug Fixes

  • LDAP server password could end up in the logs in certain types of exceptions.

Contributed by @SimonUnge (AWS).

GitHub issue: #4842

Dependency Upgrades

None in this release.

Source Code Archives

To obtain source code of the entire distribution, please download the archive named rabbitmq-server-3.9.26.tar.xz
instead of the source tarball produced by GitHub.


Nov. 28, 2022, 12:26 p.m.
RabbitMQ 3.9.26
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