Moby - v24.0.2


For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Fix a panic during build when referencing locally tagged images. moby/buildkit#3899, moby/moby#45582
  • Fix builds potentially failing with exit code: 4294967295 when performing many concurrent build stages. moby/moby#45620
  • Fix DNS resolution on Windows ignoring etc/hosts (%WINDIR%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts), including resolution of localhost. moby/moby#45562
  • Apply a workaround for a containerd bug that causes concurrent docker exec commands to take significantly longer than expected. moby/moby#45625
  • containerd image store: Fix an issue where the image Created field would contain an incorrect value. moby/moby#45623
  • containerd image store: Adjust the output of image pull progress so that the output has the same format regardless of whether the containerd image store is enabled. moby/moby#45602
  • containerd image store: Switching between the default and containerd image store now requires a daemon restart. moby/moby#45616


May 26, 2023, 8:55 a.m.
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