Moby - v23.0.2


For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Fully resolve missing checks for apparmor_parser when an AppArmor enabled kernel is detected. containerd/containerd#8087, moby/moby#45043
  • Ensure that credentials are redacted from Git URLs when generating BuildKit buildinfo. Fixes CVE-2023-26054. moby/moby#45110
  • Fix anonymous volumes created by a VOLUME line in a Dockerfile being excluded from volume prune. moby/moby#45159
  • Fix a failure to properly propagate errors during removal of volumes on a Swarm node. moby/moby#45155
  • Temporarily work around a bug in BuildKit COPY --link by disabling mergeop/diffop optimization. moby/moby#45112
  • Properly clean up child tasks when a parent Swarm job is removed. moby/swarmkit#3112, moby/moby#45107
  • Fix Swarm service creation logic so that both a GenericResource and a non-default network can be used together. moby/swarmkit#3082, moby/moby#45107
  • Fix Swarm CSI support requiring the CSI plugin to offer staging endpoints in order to publish a volume. moby/swarmkit#3116, moby/moby#45107
  • Fix a panic caused by log buffering in some configurations. containerd/fifo#47, moby/moby#45051
  • Log errors in the REST to Swarm gRPC API translation layer at the debug level to reduce redundancy and noise. moby/moby#45016
  • Fix a DNS resolution issue affecting containers created with --dns-opt or --dns-search when systemd-resolved is used outside the container. moby/moby#45000
  • Fix a panic when logging errors in handling DNS queries originating from inside a container. moby/moby#44980
  • Improve the speed of docker ps by allowing users to opt out of size calculations with --size=false. docker/cli#4107
  • Extend support for Bash completion to all plugins. docker/cli#4092
  • Fix docker stack deploy failing on Windows when special environment variables set by cmd.exe are present. docker/cli#4083
  • Add forward compatibility for future API versions by considering empty image tags to be the same as <none>. docker/cli#4065
  • Atomically write context files to greatly reduce the probability of corruption, and improve the error message for a corrupt context. docker/cli#4063



March 28, 2023, 12:12 p.m.
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