MLFlow - v2.7.0

MLflow 2.7.0 includes several major features and improvements

  • [UI / Gateway] We are excited to announce the Prompt Engineering UI. This new addition offers a suite of tools tailored for efficient prompt development, testing, and evaluation for LLM use cases. Integrated directly into the MLflow AI Gateway, it provides a seamless experience for designing, tracking, and deploying prompt templates. To read about this new feature, see the documentation at (#9503, @prithvikannan)


  • [Gateway] Introduce MosaicML as a supported provider for the MLflow AI Gateway (#9459, @arpitjasa-db)
  • [Models] Add support for using a snapshot download location when loading a transformers model as pyfunc (#9362, @serena-ruan)
  • [Server-infra] Introduce plugin support for MLflow Tracking Server authentication (#9191, @barrywhart)
  • [Artifacts / Model Registry] Add support for storing artifacts using the R2 backend (#9490, @shichengzhou-db)
  • [Artifacts] Improve upload and download performance for Azure-based artifact stores (#9444, @jerrylian-db)
  • [Sagemaker] Add support for deploying models to Sagemaker Serverless inference endpoints (#9085, @dogeplusplus)

Bug fixes:

  • [Gateway] Fix a credential expiration bug by re-resolving AI Gateway credentials before each request (#9518, @dbczumar)
  • [Gateway] Fix a bug where search_routes would raise an exception when no routes have been defined on the AI Gateway server (#9387, @QuentinAmbard)
  • [Gateway] Fix compatibility issues with pydantic 2.x for AI gateway (#9339, @harupy)
  • [Gateway] Fix an initialization issue in the AI Gateway that could render MLflow nonfunctional at import if dependencies were conflicting. (#9337, @BenWilson2)
  • [Artifacts] Fix a correctness issue when downloading large artifacts to fuse mount paths on Databricks (#9545, @BenWilson2)

Documentation updates:

  • [Docs] Add documentation for the Giskard community plugin for mlflow.evaluate (#9183, @rabah-khalek)

Small bug fixes and documentation updates:

9605, #9603, #9602, #9595, #9597, #9587, #9590, #9588, #9586, #9584, #9583, #9582, #9581, #9580, #9577, #9546, #9566, #9569, #9562, #9564, #9561, #9528, #9506, #9503, #9492, #9491, #9485, #9445, #9430, #9429, #9427, #9426, #9424, #9421, #9419, #9409, #9408, #9407, #9394, #9389, #9395, #9393, #9390, #9370, #9356, #9359, #9357, #9345, #9340, #9328, #9329, #9326, #9304, #9325, #9323, #9322, #9319, #9314, @harupy; #9568, #9520, @dbczumar; #9593, @jerrylian-db; #9574, #9573, #9480, #9332, #9335, @BenWilson2; #9556, @shichengzhou-db; #9570, #9540, #9533, #9517, #9354, #9453, #9338, @prithvikannan; #9565, #9560, #9536, #9504, #9476, #9481, #9450, #9466, #9418, #9397, @serena-ruan; #9489, @dnerini; #9512, #9479, #9355, #9351, #9289 @chenmoneygithub; #9488, @bbqiu; #9474, @apurva-koti; #9505, @arpitjasa-db; #9261, @donour; #9336, #9414, #9353, @mberk06; #9451, @Bncer; #9432, @barrywhart; #9347, @GraceBrigham; #9428, #9420, #9406, @WeichenXu123; #9410, @aloahPGF; #9396, #9384, #9372, @Godwin-T; #9373, @fabiansefranek; #9382, @Sai-Suraj-27; #9378, @saidattu2003; #9375, @Increshi; #9358, @smurching; #9366, #9330, @Dev-98; #9364, @Sandeep1005; #9349, #9348, @AmirAflak; #9308, @danilopeixoto; #9596, @ShorthillsAI; #9567, @Beramos; #9524, @rabah-khalek; #9312, @dependabot[bot]


Sept. 12, 2023, 6:26 p.m.
MLflow 2.7.0
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