Kyverno - v1.8.3


  • The new field verifyImages.attestations.attestors is added for verifying attestations. Note that the existing verifyImages.attestors field is only used to verify signatures.

✨ Added ✨

  • feat: Add default CI test values for helm charts (#5518)
  • feat(policies chart): Add ability to set autogen behavior (#5517)
  • feat: support attestations with multiple signatures (#5409)
  • Add most basic kuttl tests for generate rules, clone and sync (#5413)
  • Migrate all mutate e2e tests to kuttl and expand (#5491)
  • Migrate validate e2e tests to kuttl tests (#5483)

⚠️ Changed ⚠️

  • cleanup: bring back action on validation failed logging (#5416)

🐛 Fixed 🐛

  • fix: bug in report resource watcher (#5525)
  • fix: report deletion fighting with garbage collection (#5486)
  • fix: typo in autogen package (#5480)
  • fix: issue when calling kustomize concurrently (#5465)
  • fix: add clone check before validating namespace policy (#5459)
  • fix: admission reports stacking up (#5457)
  • fix: log watcher error in reports controller (#5449)
  • fix: mutate existing policy does not get applied when background=false (#5439)
  • Fix multi attestor keyless (#5432)
  • Handle GVK properly with the same kind but different apiVersion/group (#5421)
  • fix: fix mutating the "/metadata/serverAddress" section of a keda.s/v1alpha1/ScaledObject object (#5374)

Complete List of PRs

Click to expand - #5518 feat: Add default CI test values for helm charts - #5525 fix: bug in report resource watcher - #5517 feat(policies chart): Add ability to set autogen behavior - #5491 Migrate all mutate e2e tests to kuttl and expand - #5486 fix: report deletion fighting with garbage collection - #5483 Migrate validate e2e tests to kuttl tests - #5480 fix: typo in autogen package - #5465 fix: issue when calling kustomize concurrently - #5459 fix: add clone check before validating namespace policy - #5457 fix: admission reports stacking up - #5449 fix: log watcher error in reports controller - #5439 fix: mutate existing policy does not get applied when background=false - #5432 Fix multi attestor keyless - #5421 Handle GVK properly with the same kind but different apiVersion/group - #5416 cleanup: bring back action on `validation failed` logging - #5413 Add most basic kuttl tests for generate rules, clone and sync - #5409 feat: support attestations with multiple signatures - #5374 fix: fix mutating the "/metadata/serverAddress" section of a keda.s/v1alpha1/ScaledObject object


Dec. 5, 2022, 5:37 p.m.
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