Kyverno - v1.6.2

Bug Fixes

3459 [Bug] fatal error: concurrent map read and map write

3435 [Bug] [CLI] --cluster option causes a panic

3370 [Bug] PodExecOptions policy fails to create

3368 [Bug] [CLI] Can't install kyverno as a krew plugin

3360 [Bug] --autoUpdateWebhooks=false does not set FailurePolicy to Ignore.

3349 [Bug] selecting resources by Group/Version/Kind does not work

3340 [Bug] Wildcard matched in kind broken if nested under any or all

3331 [Bug] Mutation Rule removes extra properties from Pod manifest

3330 [Bug] RBAC clusterrole kyverno:generate, wrong apiGroup

3300 [Bug] Webhook server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

3294 [Bug] Mutate foreach yields list with items in reversed order

3286 [Bug] webhooks being recreated endlessly

3266 [Bug] Panic: creating targets dir: mkdir /.sigstore: permission denied

3265 [Bug] Huge amount of log message "resource webhook configuration was deleted, recreating..."

3261 [Bug] apiVersion detection may be incorrect

3208 [BUG] Deleting policies makes webhook inoperable (1.6.0 regression with --autoUpdateWebhooks=false)

3206 [BUG] Applying Multiple Policies on Multiple Resources only Applies Against 1 Resource

3203 [Bug] Difference in exclude in autogen-* rules when deploying policy with Helm and via kubectl apply -f

3156 [BUG] A policy is being applied on pods created by Jobs even it is not defined in the policy

3111 [BUG] Helm uninstall doesnt remove all resources

2934 [BUG] Rules of two different types in the same policy aren't being tracked properly

2549 [BUG] Kyverno may silently fail to generate resource

2269 [BUG] Error syncing deployment - Operation cannot be fulfilled on replicasets

2133 [BUG] wrong parsing of some characters

1858 Schema validation blocks the policy creation

3336 Fix #3330 - Update clusterrole.yaml

3352 Fix any_all wildcard issue

3436 Fix cli apply command panic for --cluster flag

3480 Use mutex as field instead of embedded


March 31, 2022, 9:37 a.m.
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