Kube-Router - v1.5.4

While this is technically a bug fix release as it is fixing a bug with a long deprecated API, it does have the potential to break clients that are running with DSR configurations on unmaintained versions of cri-o or containerd.

The runtime/v1 release is only compatible with >=cri-o v1.21.0 and >=containerd v1.6.0. If you don't use DSR, or use the docker-shim, this change won't affect you.

On the converse side of things, this release is needed if you are using >=cri-o v1.26.0 or >=containerd v1.7.0 otherwise DSR will break because the runtime/v1alpha2 support was removed in those versions.

If you are between those two releases for your given container runtime, then both v1.5.3 and v1.5.4 will work for you.


  • f350859 - fix(dsr): CRI runtime/v1alpha2 -> runtime/v1 <Aaron U'Ren>


April 25, 2023, 12:31 a.m.
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