Gitea - v1.21.5


  • SECURITY * Prevent anonymous container access if RequireSignInView is enabled (#28877) (#28882) * Update go dependencies and fix go-git (#28893) (#28934) * BUGFIXES * Revert "Speed up loading the dashboard on mysql/mariadb (#28546)" (#29006) (#29007) * Fix an actions schedule bug (#28942) (#28999) * Fix update enable_prune even if mirror_interval is not provided (#28905) (#28929) * Fix uploaded artifacts should be overwritten (#28726) backport v1.21 (#28832) * Preserve BOM in web editor (#28935) (#28959) * Strip / from relative links (#28932) (#28952) * Don't remove all mirror repository's releases when mirroring (#28817) (#28939) * Implement MigrateRepository for the actions notifier (#28920) (#28923) * Respect branch info for relative links (#28909) (#28922) * Don't reload timeline page when (un)resolving or replying conversation (#28654) (#28917) * Only migrate the first 255 chars of a Github issue title (#28902) (#28912) * Fix sort bug on repository issues list (#28897) (#28901) * Fix DeleteCollaboration transaction behaviour (#28886) (#28889) * Fix schedule not trigger bug because matching full ref name with short ref name (#28874) (#28888) * Fix migrate storage bug (#28830) (#28867) * Fix archive creating LFS hooks and breaking pull requests (#28848) (#28851) * Fix reverting a merge commit failing (#28794) (#28825) * Upgrade xorm to v1.3.7 to fix a resource leak problem caused by Iterate (#28891) (#28895) * Fix incorrect PostgreSQL connection string for Unix sockets (#28865) (#28870) * ENHANCEMENTS * Make loading animation less aggressive (#28955) (#28956) * Avoid duplicate JS error messages on UI (#28873) (#28881) * Bump @github/relative-time-element to 4.3.1 (#28819) (#28826) * MISC * Warn that DISABLE_QUERY_AUTH_TOKEN is false only if it's explicitly defined (#28783) (#28868) * Remove duplicated checkinit on git module (#28824) (#28831)


Security wording was detected, but no CVEs were found.


Feb. 1, 2024, 12:22 p.m.
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