Fleet - v0.3.10

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed values.yaml order of acceptance.
  • Fixed linter handling to more correctly identify issues.
  • Fixed issue to enable removal of bundles when deleted from a gitrepo. This behavior change needs to be enabled with a flag as it is disabled by default.


  • Added support for Kubernetes versions up through 1.24. This included changes to the way clusters register as changes in Kubernetes required changes to the registration process.
  • Updated base images to use the SLE BCIs. You can find these images at https://registry.suse.com/. Along with this, builds for 32-bit ARM were dropped. They were not supported and the SLE BCIs do not provide a base image for 32-bit ARM.
  • Windows 20H2 support was removed. Support for this version was EOL August 9th.
  • Added initial end to end testing via GitHub actions. These test Fleet by itself and as part of Rancher Manager.
  • Numerous documentation updates.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/rancher/fleet/compare/v0.3.9...v0.3.10


Aug. 16, 2022, 12:34 p.m.
Fleet v0.3.10
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