Emissary-Ingress - v2.2.0


:tada: Emissary Ingress 2.2.0 :tada:

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

Upgrade Emissary - https://www.getambassador.io/reference/upgrading.html
View changelog - https://github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/blob/v2.2.0/CHANGELOG.md
Get started with Emissary on Kubernetes - https://www.getambassador.io/user-guide/getting-started

  • Change: Support for the Envoy V2 API is deprecated as of Emissary-ingress v2.1, and will be
    removed in Emissary-ingress v3.0. The AMBASSADOR_ENVOY_API_VERSION environment variable will be
    removed at the same time. Only the Envoy V3 API will be supported (this has been the default since
    Emissary-ingress v1.14.0).

  • Change: Emissary-ingress will now watch for ConfigMap or Secret resources specified by the
    AGENT_CONFIG_RESOURCE_NAME environment variable in order to allow all components (and not only
    the Ambassador Agent) to authenticate requests to Ambassador Cloud.

  • Security: Emissary-ingress has updated Alpine to 3.15, and Python and Go dependencies to their
    latest compatible versions, to incorporate numerous security patches.

  • Feature: Emissary-ingress now supports the metric ambassador_log_level{label="debug"} which will
    be set to 1 if debug logging is enabled for the running Emissary instance, or to 0 if not. This
    can help to be sure that a running production instance was not actually left doing debugging
    logging, for example. (Thanks to Fabrice!) (#3906)

  • Feature: Emissary-ingress is now leveraging a new Envoy Proxy patch that allows Envoy to accept
    escaped '%' characters in its configuration. This means that error_response_overrides and other
    custom user content can now contain '%' symbols escaped as '%%'. (DW Envoy: 74) (Upstream Envoy: 19383)

  • Feature: Support for streaming Envoy metrics about the clusters to Ambassador Cloud. (#4053)

  • Feature: The Ambassador agent now receives commands to manipulate Rollouts (pause, continue, and
    abort are currently supported) via directives and executes them in the cluster. A report is sent
    to Ambassador Cloud including the command ID, whether it ran successfully, and an error message in
    case there was any. (#4040)

  • Bugfix: Kubernetes Secrets that should contain TLS certificates are now validated before being
    accepted for configuration. A Secret that contains an invalid TLS certificate will be logged as an
    invalid resource. (#3821)


Security wording was detected, but no CVEs were found.


Feb. 10, 2022, 8:34 p.m.
Emissary Ingress 2.2.0
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