Dragonfly - v2.0.6

Dragonfly v2.0.6 is released! 🎉🎉🎉 Thanks to the contributors of dragonfly, welcome to visit d7y.io website.


-Manager adds the feature of issuing certificates, which can issue certificates for managers, schedulers, peers and seed peers. And services communication can enable mutual TLS to ensure data transmission security in P2P network.
- Provide consistent hashing based on GRPC banlancer, improve the hit rate of task scheduling, improve the hit rate of Seed Peer resources and enables load balancing of GRPC requests.
- Refactor grpc package and add interceptors and middlewares. Migrate grpc proto definitions to dragonflyoss/api.
- Manager service builds embedded frontend assets.
- Dfget adds daemon-sock-path configuration to customize dameon unix socket path.
- Fix dfdaemon can not graceful shutdown.

You can see CHANGELOG for more details.


Sept. 2, 2022, 4:41 a.m.
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