CRI-O - v1.24.3


CRI-O v1.24.3

The release notes have been generated for the commit range
v1.24.2...v1.24.3 on Fri, 07 Oct 2022 18:10:27 UTC.


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Changelog since v1.24.2

Changes by Kind


  • Add an option "add_inheritable_capabilities" which adds added capabilities to the inheritable list as well. As of CRI-O 1.24.0, CRI-O drops the inheritable capabilities to fix CVE-2022-27652 . However, this can cause regressions in workloads that attempt to pass capabilities to non-root users through inheritable capabilities. (#6236, @haircommander)
  • Allow crio.runtime.runtimes configuration to be updated on reload. (#6248, @elezar)
  • Allow for a reload to add additional runtimes and change the default runtime (#6056, @elezar)
  • CRI-O now logs the stage of container or pod creation under system load. This allows users to find why their creation requests are stalling. (#5683, @haircommander)
  • If $KUBENSMNT is defined in the environment, assume the file it points at is
    a bindmount to a mount namespace that CRI-O should join:
  • If the environment variable is not set, take no action.
  • If the environment variable is set and points at a valid mount
    namespace, CRI-O will join that mount namespace.
  • If the environment variable is set but points at a missing file, or the file
    is not a valid mount namespace, CRI-O will print a warning but continue to
    run in the original mount namespace. (#5974, @lack)
  • This adds minimal checkpoint/restore support to cri-o. The minimal support allows to checkpoint a container and restore it again. Optionally it can be restored in another pod. (#4199, @adrianreber)

Bug or Regression

  • Added ImageName and SandboxName annotations to the sandbox (#6164, @littlejawa)
  • Fix a bug where conmon_cgroup and monitor_path became out of sync (#6255, @haircommander)
  • Fix a bug where a container is stuck in INIT because CRI-O believes it to be paused, and never updates the state (#6122, @haircommander)
  • Fix a bug where exit files were never cleaned up from /run/crio/exits (#5508, @haircommander)
  • Fix a bug where static pods cannot be created because they've already been created. (#6123, @haircommander)
  • Fix a bug where the GID of the container is not specified in the AdditionalGids, leading to a low risk security vulnerability. For more information please see CVE-2022-2995. (#6159, @haircommander)
  • Fix a bug where updating default_runtime would cause the runc entry in the runtimes table to be deleted (#6257, @haircommander)
  • Fix an issue with leaked systemd scopes by always sending runc the --systemd-cgroup flag when using systemd cgroups (#6153, @haircommander)
  • Fixed possible panic on attach when using runtime_type = "pod" if no stdin is being provided. (#6110, @saschagrunert)

Other (Cleanup or Flake)


  • Fix a bug where CRI-O would fail if Kubelet specified -1 for swap (which is a valid way of specifying unlimited) (#6139, @haircommander)



Nothing has changed.



Nothing has changed.


Oct. 7, 2022, 6:42 p.m.
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