CRI-O - v1.22.2


CRI-O v1.22.2

The release notes have been generated for the commit range
v1.22.1...b030be8 on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 14:56:11 UTC.

This release has a fix for CVE-2022-0532


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Changelog since v1.22.1

Changes by Kind


  • Introduce the following metrics:
    crio_operations_total, crio_operations_latency_seconds_total, crio_operations_latency_seconds,
    crio_operations_errors_total, crio_image_pulls_bytes_total,
    crio_image_pulls_success_total, crio_image_pulls_failure_total,
    crio_image_layer_reuse_total, crio_containers_oom_count_total
    while marking metric names that do not follow prometheus best practices as Deprecated in Prometheus metric help text. (#5487, @swghosh)

API Change

  • Drop support for v1alpha2 Container Runtime Interface (CRI) and require v1. (#5471, @saschagrunert)


  • Add allowed_devices field to config, allowing admins to specify which devices are allowed to be specified in the "io.kubernetes.cri-o.Devices" allowed_annotation. The default for this config field is [/dev/fuse] (#5551, @haircommander)
  • Add a [crio.stats] table to the config for configuring all things stats-related.
    Add ability (with config field StatsCollectionPeriod) to calculate and save stats for pods and containers, rather than return them on demand.
    Add support for {,List}PodSandboxStats, which allows the kubelet to take advantage of the PodAndContainerStatsFromCRI feature gate--one that is set to be alpha in 1.23. (#5427, @haircommander)
  • Add functionality to use taskset to spawn new commands cri-o runs. Now, if InfraCtrCPUSet is called, all newly spawned commands will be placed in the InfraCtrCPUSet (as it's expected to be set to the reserved CPU set that system commands should run on). (#5514, @haircommander)
  • Add support for TARGET namespace mode, which enables support for ephemeral containers. (#5440, @haircommander)
  • Add support for minimum_mappable_{u,g}id which relaxes the requirement on sc.RunAs{User,Group}. If set, the RunAs{User,Group} value and any explicitly-mapped host IDs are only required to be at or above the configured values. (#5462, @nalind)
  • Containers now have a /run/.containerenv file to help applications identify that they are running inside a container. (#5463, @pjbgf)
  • Now, if infra_ctr_cpuset is configured, conmon is put in the same cpuset (#5414, @haircommander)


Bug or Regression

  • Allow for both runtime class and workload level allowed annotations. Now, if a container or pod has both specified, the list will be merged. (#5465, @haircommander)
  • Conmon now always writes its logs to syslog, instead of only when the cgroup manager is cgroupfs (#3773, @haircommander)
  • Fix a bug where CRI-O would never shutdown if the networking plugin wasn't configured correctly (#5284, @haircommander)
  • Fix a bug where a pod given a host IPC or network namespace could configure sysctls on the host (#5610, @haircommander)
  • Fix a bug where invalid default_sysctls could be specified, leading to an error like "Failed to configure sysctls after unshare: No such file or directory" (#5673, @haircommander)
  • Fix a bug where memory swap values were specified even if the memory swap cgroup is not enabled (#5539, @haircommander)
  • Fix a bug where situations of excessive load on nodes causes containers to never actually start (#5590, @haircommander)
  • Fix a potential crash caused by a log message NULL-pointer dereference. (#5579, @klihub)
  • Fix an issue where protobuf panics when serializing ListContainer and ListPodSandbox calls (#5606, @haircommander)
  • Fix bug where ip a reports Error: Peer netns reference is invalid (#5529, @haircommander)
  • Fix crypto-profile bind within RHEL based containers. (#5555, @rphillips)
  • Fix vm containers couldn't restore after cri-o restart (#5574, @gozssky)
  • Fix zsh completion generation. (#5586, @klihub)
  • Fixed possible runtime panic on pod sandbox stats retrieval. (#5588, @saschagrunert)
  • Forbid AppArmor profiles with the name localhost/. (#5655, @saschagrunert)
  • Move namespace cleanup from sandbox stop to sandbox remove. This allows veth entries in the network namespaces of pods to be cleaned up earlier (#5336, @haircommander)


  • Changes default config output to comment default values instead of omitting them (#5007, @wgahnagl)
  • Fix a case where conmon children are sometimes leaked (#5500, @haircommander)
  • Inherits storage configs from storage.conf if crio config does not set. (#5520, @QiWang19)
  • Specify runtime table format in the error message (#5452, @QiWang19)
  • Update go to 1.17 in go.mod (#5577, @QiWang19)



Nothing has changed.


Nothing has changed.


Nothing has changed.


Feb. 25, 2022, 4:44 p.m.
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