Bolt - 3.23.0


New features

  • RedHat 9 packages

Bolt now ships packages for RedHat 9.

  • SLES 15 packages

Bolt now ships packages for SLES 15.

  • macOS 12 packages

Bolt now ships packages for macOS 12.

  • Bolt can now be run with Ruby 3

The bolt gem can now be run with Ruby 3.

Contributed by Lucy Wyman

  • Connect to multiple PuppetDB instances

Bolt now supports connecting to multiple PuppetDB instances. For more
information, see Connecting Bolt to

The following bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions:

Bug fixes

  • Include a plan's docstring in plan show output

The bolt plan show <PLAN> and Get-BoltPlan -Name <PLAN> commands
now include a plan's docstring in the output, even when the plan
includes a @summary tag. Previously, Bolt would only display a
plan's summary or docstring, but not both.

  • Support running tasks in no-op mode over pcp

Bolt no longer errors when running tasks in no-op mode over the pcp


  • Remove support for macOS 10.15


June 6, 2022, midnight
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