Acorn - v0.1.0

What is Acorn?

Acorn is an application packaging and deployment framework that simplifies running apps on Kubernetes. Acorn is able to package up all of an applications Docker images, configuration, and deployment specifications into a single Acorn image artifact. This artifact is publishable to any OCI container registry allowing it to be deployed on any dev, test, or production Kubernetes. The portability of Acorn images enables developers to develop applications locally and move to production without having to switch tools or technology stacks.

Developers create Acorn images by describing the application configuration in an Acornfile. The Acornfile describes the whole application without all of the boilerplate of Kubernetes YAML files. The Acorn CLI is used to build, deploy, and operate Acorn images on any Kubernetes cluster.

Getting Started

For more information check out our Getting Started Guide and our introduction video


Aug. 3, 2022, 5:14 a.m.
Initial Acorn Release
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